Sunday, October 28, 2012


Conferences are this Monday evening, Thursday evening and Tuesday during the day.  If you are attending a conference on Monday or Thursday evening, please go to my classroom for the conference.  If you are attending a conference on Tuesday, please go to the school office.  I will be having my Tuesday conferences in the school office conference room.  Please remember that conferences are only 15 minutes long.  I will review the report card, show student work, discuss student strengthts and discuss areas which may need improvement.  I try to stay on schedule, especially since there are families with mulitple conferences on these evenings.  Please try to arrive on time.

Halloween Parties

The AM Class will have their Halloween Party from 10:30-11:30.  We will have a parade to the office, kindergarten classrooms and visit our Buddy Classes from 10:10-10:30.  This will give the families the opportunity to set up for our Halloween Party, while the kids are out of the room.

The PM Class will have their Halloween parade from 1:15-1:45 and the party will be from 1:45-2:45. 

All students should wear their costumes to school and they will wear them home from school!

Thank you in advance for all the parents who have donated items for the parties or are able to help out on the day of the party!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Field Trip Wednesday

Dear Parents,
We are going on a field trip tomorrow - Wed. Oct. 24th. 
If you are a parent volunteer for the morning class, please arrive at school by 8:30 so you can meet your group of children that you are chaperoning and hear the day's agenda.
If you are a parent volunteer for the afternoon class, please arrive at school by 12:20 so you can meet your group of children that you are chaperoning and hear the day's agenda.
All students will attend school at their usual times.  All students need to come to school and ride the bus to Stuckmeyer's with the class.  We should have enough room for parent volunteers to ride the bus to Stuckmeyer's.  All students will ride the bus back to school from Stuckmeyer's and if parent volunteers would like, they can sign their child out from my classroom. 
Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Clickers and red ribbons

Your child is coming home with a red ribbon today. Please feel free to put the ribbon on your child everyday before they come to school.

We are starting to use "clickers" in class. Students will use these to practice spelling their sight words. We also will use them to answer yes/no questions. I have attached a picture so you can see what they look like.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pink and Black Attack Friday

Students can wear black on Friday to show support with "Black out Bullying" or Pink to show support for "Breast Cancer Awareness". Optional - students may bring a $0.25 donation with the proceeds going to breast cancer research.

P.M. Class Homework

Homework is due tomorrow - Thurs. Oct. 18th for the P.M. Class since P.M. students will not be attending class on Friday Oct. 19th.

P.M. Sight Words

P.M. Students will be tested on their sight words on Thursday, since they do not have school Friday.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cardinal's Spirit Day Wed.

Show your Cardinal's Spirit on Wed. Oct. 17th by wearing red or your favorite Cardinal's clothes!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A.M. Class Books

Dear A.M. Families,
We are missing two of the A.M. classes' class books.  We are missing the "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" alphabet class book and the class book about each student's name (each page also had their picture included in the book).  If your child brought home either of these class books and have not returned them, please return them so other classmates can enjoy them. 


Monday, October 8, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip Date Change

We had to change the date of our Pumpkin Patch field trip, due to the fact there were too many grade levels going on field trips on Friday Oct. 26th.  I am sorry for this change.  We will now be going to the Pumpkin Patch on Wed. Oct. 24th.  Students will go to school at their normal times

Friday, October 5, 2012

Bingo night

Bingo is tonight at 6:30 in the Sappington gym. The kids always have a great time!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Friday Oct. 5th

Tomorrow is Cardinal's spirit day. Wear red or Cardinal's gear to show your spirit.
Also, Friday is the last day to turn in any orders for the Great American Fundraiser.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thank you!!!

Dear families,
Thank you to all the parent volunteers who attended the field trip. It was a wonderful trip!! We would not be able to do these fun activities without parent support! THANK YOU!!!!

Apple picking