Monday, August 27, 2012

Tues. Aug. 28th

Please have your child bring their library book to school on Tuesday.  I will collect the books when the students check in with me. 
Also, please don't forget to attend Curriculum Night - Tues. Aug. 28th at 7 p.m.  Please meet me in our classroom - Room 19.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Great 1st Full Week!!

Dear Families,
We had a great first full week of school.  We are learning about each other through "Special Student" activities.  We have created classroom rules and are learning the daily routines in our Kindergarten Classroom.

We also started "Letter of the Day".  The focus for the first rotation of the alphabet is forming the capital letters correctly.  We discuss how the capital and lowercase letters have similarities and differences.  We are also writing words that begin with the "Letter of the Day".  We studied the letters 'A and B' this week.

We ended the week with our Kindergarten Party.  THANK YOU for all the wonderful donations/gifts.  I finally have enough student dry erase boards so they can each have their own in their desks and I still have enough to place dry erase boards in our centers.  We received lots of toys for our "treasure box" and games for literacy centers.  
I am looking forward to another great week in Kindergarten.  Please remember that Curriculum Night is this Tues. Aug. 28th at 7pm. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fri. Aug. 24th and Curriculum Night

Dear Families,
       This is a friendly reminder that we will have our Kindergarten Party this Friday, Aug. 24th.   Please have your child bring their wrapped gift for the classroom on Friday.  If you were unable to attend “Meet the Teacher Night” on August 14th, please consider donating small paper plates, dry erase markers, or small prizes for our treasure box (stickers, bouncy balls, decorative erasers, etc.)
Also, Curriculum Night is Tues. Aug. 28th at 7 P.M.  It is very important that all parents attend Curriculum Night.  We will be going over classroom expectations, parent/teacher communication, curriculum and the “nuts and bolts” of Kindergarten.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

1st Day, Snacks, and Folders

We had a wonderful first day in Kindergarten!  I really enjoyed getting to know your children and look forward to seeing them tomorrow.
A.M. class parent pick ups - Thank you for waiting patiently as I walked the bus riders to their busses. 
P.M. class drop-off parents - Thank you for waiting patiently in the lobby until class started.
All students came home with two folders today.  The yellow/green folder will be the folder I will check for papers that need to be turned in and notes.  However, if you have any TRANSPORTATION changes, please contact the office and send a note!  You can also send me an email ahead of time, but please don't send the email thinking that I will see the email before dismissal.  Sometimes I do not have a chance to check e-mail until after school.  Contacting the office about transportation changes is very important.  The 2nd folder the students came home with is the Red or Green Character Calendar.  I will use this folder to communicate with you about your child's daily behavior.
Curriculum Night is Tues. Aug. 28th at 7pm.  I will discuss the Character Calendar, curriculum, classroom procedures and expectations in more detail on this evening.  If you have any questions you would like answered before then, please don't hesitate to contact me.
I am a "snack free classroom".  There are students in the classroom with severe peanut allergies and I believe safety of all the students is very important.  If you feel that your child needs to have a snack during their class day, please feel free to contact me and I will try to work something out with the nurse.  I will also discuss this in more detail on Tues. Aug. 28th.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for coming to "Meet the Teacher Night".  I also wanted to let you know that my new website is live.  The google classroom calendar is linked to my website.  You can also view the classroom calendar on my blog.  I will be using the class blog as my main form of communication throughout the year.  These first few weeks, please be looking for e-mails and updates on the blog. 
Remember Curriculum Night is Tues. Aug. 28th at 7 p.m.!
Thanks and I look forward to a great year with your children!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Calendar Updated

Dear Families,
I have updated the calendar.  I will continue to add events to the calendar during the school year.  Please check the calendar for important dates.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Meet the Teacher Night! Tues. August 14th 5-7pm

Dear Families,
I am looking forward to meeting you Tues. August 14th between 5 and 7 p.m.  I want to welcome everyone to Kindergarten.  We are going to have a wonderful year!  Please tell your child I said "Hello" and can't wait to see them!  In order for things to run more smoothly on Tues. evening, I thought I would post some information for you to review.   
When you come to "Meet the Teacher Night" please make sure to do the following: 
1. Please make sure all forms on your child's desk that need to be filled out are completed and turned in.
2. If you would like to volunteer to help this year, please make sure to sign up on the volunteer sheet.
3. If you would like a specific time for conferences on Mon. Oct. 29th or Thurs. Nov. 1st, please sign up on the conference schedule.
4. Pick up your child's take-home materials.
5. Verify your child's transportation.
6. Pick up a gift tag.  We will have a "Kindergarten Party" on Friday Aug. 24th to celebrate that we have completed our first full week of Kindergarten.  I will have paper tags on a table with a small item written on the tag that can be bought and donated to our classroom.  Students will bring in the small gift and open it up at the "Party". 
I am teaching AM and PM Kindergarten.  I have color coordinated the student name tags to help the students find their names.  I have also put your child's first and last name on all tags.  I have many duplicate names this year, so when you are looking for your child's materials please pay close attention to the first and last name.
If your child is attending AM Kindergarten please read the following information.  PM families should scroll down to read information pertaining to you.
AM Families 
Your child's name tags are green apples on their desk.  Also, your child will be using the inside of their desk to store their materials.  When you arrive to the classroom, please put supplies labeled with your child's name inside his/her desk; except for the art shirt, notebooks and sheet protectors.  The art shirt, notebooks, sheet protectors and all other supplies without your child's name will be placed in baskets in the back of the classroom. 
PM Families 
Your child's name tags are red apples on their desks.  Also, your child will be using the chair pouch, which hangs on the outside of their chair to store their materials.  When you arrive to the classroom, please put supplies labeled with your child's name inside his/her chair pouch; except for the art shirt, notebooks and sheet protectors.  The art shirt, notebooks, sheet protectors and all other supplies without your child's name will be placed in baskets in the back of the classroom. 
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this information!